All parents can understand the stress of keeping a child’s closet clean. Add on multiple children and the limited space available in most homes, and you’ve got a big challenge on your hands.
Here a simple tips to maximize space in your child’s closet to keep things tidy.
- Use vertical baskets and bins to provide more storage space. You can store toys, books and small accessories like socks and ties in these baskets. Label them properly so that your child can easily locate their things. You can also organize by color, assigning colors by item or by child.
- Open shelving is the best option to store shoes, as it’s not only easy to organize, but also easy for your child to access. Always try to store the socks close to the footwear rack so it’s easy for your child to find.
- Arrange clothes by color using hangers. This makes it easy for your kids to locate their clothes without needing to ask for help. If your child has a large collection of dresses or other longer-length clothes, you can use a rod doubler to make extra space for clothes. Out of season dresses should always be kept separately to limit clutter. They can either be stored inside the closet where kids cannot reach or in an overhead loft.
- Install hanging baskets behind the door to store lightweight items like socks and other small accessories. Transparent hanging baskets are best, as your child will be able to clearly spot their contents. You can even fix pegs and hooks behind the door to hang hats and jackets.
- Purchase a bed with built-in storage for storing toys and blankets. This is especially useful for small rooms where space is a major constraint.
- Last but not least, don’t let unwanted clothes, books or toys pile up. If your child has outgrown a certain dress or stops using an old toy, donate them to charity.
Continually eliminating clutter makes storing and organizing an easy task. Also, remember to store everything at your child’s height so that they can easily reach their stuff. In the long-term, maintaining order in your child’s closet and room teaches them good habits for when they grow up and live on their own.